Is your organization looking to retain existing donors, get new ones, and keep your message fresh and relevant? Of course it is! Those are just a few of the timely topics addressed in a new NJBIZ article, with industry insights from some key nonprofit leaders in New Jersey. For anyone interested in advancing their organization’s mission, it’s a great read based on a panel discussion that raised some of the biggest questions and challenges nonprofits face. We’re happy to share it with you, and are here to put creative ideas and solutions into action!
Click here to read the article in its entirety.
THE PANELISTS IN PHOTO ABOVE: Sandy Carapezza, left, has been the director of development at The Valley Hospital Foundation for 13 years. She is responsible for the annual fundraising strategy and execution, overall board management and administrative governance; Hans Dekker, center, has served as president of the Community Foundation of New Jersey since June 2003. During his tenure, the foundation’s funds have granted more than $350 million to charitable causes across New Jersey and beyond; And Nina Stack, right, was named president of the Council of New Jersey Grantmakers in January 2005. CNJG strives to strengthen and promote effective philanthropy in New Jersey through networking, advocacy and programming.