Dear Friends,

As we all navigate these trying and unprecedented times, please know you are on my mind. Of course, there is a lot we don’t know about how this situation will unfold, but other things — some very good things — are clearer than ever. I am energized by the strength, bravery, determination, generosity and humanity I’ve seen at every turn.

Our professional staff has rallied in a way that fills me with confidence in our ability to help others navigate this crisis. They are collaborative and caring, and extremely productive, while deftly handling whatever upheaval is happening in their own lives.

Our clients are digging deep to meet the needs of those they serve. Staff, leadership, volunteers and supporters are all thinking about helping others, realizing that whatever hardships they have, others are counting on them now more than ever. Events may be canceled, holding certain meetings might be moot, but the mission burns brighter than ever.

Organizations have also expressed an urgent need to communicate quickly and effectively with donors and other stakeholders, updating them on what’s going on, and answering the crucial question:  What’s the best way we can help right now?

If you need help with that messaging, or anything else related to your communications, or have immediate issues that have arisen from this crisis, please know that all of us at The Munshine Group stand at the ready.

We are available 24/7 ( or 973-376-2182), and in the coming days we will be sharing resources with you, asking for insights from you, and communicating with you more in a way that I hope makes us all stronger and in the best possible position to emerge from this crisis. You might have heard it repeatedly, but that’s because it’s true: We are all in this together.

All of us wish you and yours the best. Be well.

David Munshine
President & CEO