Jimmy Pitingolo is a junior at Johns Hopkins University, studying Biomedical Engineering as he works toward his goal of helping others by attending medical school. He has both an extensive background in problem solving and critical thinking, and a passion for service that he utilizes to foster collaborations.
Jimmy joined The Munshine Group having already garnered a large amount of clinical research and design experience. He has conducted and published research in the field of neurosurgery, and is collaborating with other undergraduates and clinicians from university hospitals on studies to improve the outcome of cataract surgery.
At Johns Hopkins, Jimmy is an undergraduate research assistant in The Doloff Lab Group. In 2019, he was awarded the Leong Summer Research Grant to investigate long-term pharmaceutical treatment for tuberculosis and has since expanded his research to treatments for other diseases, including cancer. In November 2019, Jimmy was a guest speaker at the TEDxJHU fall salon series, speaking from his experience as a fraternity president on how to better communicate and be welcoming in our communities.
Jimmy’s spirit of service started early. He is an Eagle Scout, and served as the student representative to the Board of Education while in high school.